October 24, 1993, Mass of Dedication
Entrance Procession, Video Clip
Note: There is no audio due to copyright restrictions.
Fr. Brian Egan celebrated the Mass of Dedication on Sunday, October 24, 1993 at 4PM. At the time, Fr. Egan served as the Administration of the Diocese prior to the arrival of Bishop David Foley. Fr. Ray Keiser was the pastor of St Elizabeth Ann Seton and concelebrated the Mass alongside Fr. Egan.
Fr. Brian Egan celebrated the Mass of Dedication on Sunday, October 24, 1993 at 4PM. At the time, Fr. Egan served as the Administration of the Diocese prior to the arrival of Bishop David Foley. Fr. Ray Keiser was the pastor of St Elizabeth Ann Seton and concelebrated the Mass alongside Fr. Egan.
Note: There is no audio due to copyright restrictions.
Altar Anointing, VIDEO CLIP
Note: There is no audio due to copyright restrictions.
ALtar Preparation, VIDEO CLIP
Note: There is no audio due to copyright restrictions.
Susan (Wilson) Carpenter, Rose Dempsey, Caroline Gerson, and Margaret Slovensky help prepare the altar.
Susan (Wilson) Carpenter, Rose Dempsey, Caroline Gerson, and Margaret Slovensky help prepare the altar.
Fr. Ray Keiser Closing, VIDEO CLIP