Street Address: 334 Main Street, Gardendale, AL 35071
Driving Directions to Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church
From Birmingham take I-65 North to Gardendale Exit 271.
Go right onto Fieldstown Road and to 4th traffic light.
Turn right onto Main Street. PLEASE NOTE: At the intersection of Main Street and Fieldstown Road, there is a sign that reads "Civic Center Complex." It looks like a road sign and can be confusing.
After turning right onto Main Street, a CVS will be on your right, and a Walgreens will be on your left.
You will travel on Main Street for approximately 1.2 miles. Along this route, you should pass Gardendale High School on your right and the Gardendale Civic Center on your left.
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Parish is on the right.